Panduan Penulisan Bahan Rujukan
This page provides APA information and examples for students and staff of the University
of Waikato. It is designed to accompany (not replace) the 6th edition of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), which is available in the Library.
The Library also offers regular APA tutorials. Sign up for an APA tutorial.
To cite works of others, APA style uses an author-date citation method. Citations in text
are acknowledged with (Author, Date) or Author (Date).
Use quotation marks and include page numbers.
Samovar and Porter (1997) point out that "language involves attaching meaning to symbols" (p. 188) or
"Language involves attaching meaning to symbols" (Samovar & Porter, 1997, p. 188).
A quotation of 40 or more words should be formatted as a freestanding, indented block of
text without quotation marks. Note the location of the final full stop.
Weston (1948) argues that:
One of the most important phases of our special guests was to get information that would
throw light on degeneration of the facial pattern that occurs so often in our modern
civilization. This has its expression in the narrowing and lengthening of the face and the
development of crooked teeth. (p. 174)
If you quote from online material and there are no page numbers (e.g. HTML based
document), use the paragraph number (para.) instead.
"Prevalence rates of antenatal major and minor depression have been estimated in
community-based studies to range from 7% to 15% of all pregnancies" (Grote, Swartz,
Geibel & Zuckoff, 2009, para. 2).
Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing, although authors are encouraged to
include them, especially when it assists the reader to locate the reference in long pieces
of text (Publication Manual, p. 171).
Giving meaning to specific symbols such as sounds and marks is considered to be the
origin of written language (Samovar & Porter, 1997, p. 188).
Arnett (2000, as cited in Claiborne & Drewery, 2010) suggests there is an emerging adult
stage in the lifespan of humans, covering young people between the ages of 18 and 25
Claiborne, L., & Drewery, W. (2010). Human development: Family, place, culture. North
Ryde, NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill.
At the end of your assignment, you are required to provide the full bibliographic information
for each source cited in text. References must be listed in alphabetical order by author,
and then chronologically.
Exception: When citing from a secondary source, list only the secondary source in which
you found the original information, and do not list the primary source in the reference list.
Each reference type (e.g. Book, Journal) has a standardised format. See also Formatting elements section for detailed information on how to format authors/date/title/publication
Each reference should include four elements: (1) Author/Editor/Producer (2) Date (3) Title
of the work and (4) Publication Information.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the work. Place name: Publisher.
When a book consists of many chapters written by different authors, reference each
chapter you used.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.),
Title of the book (pp.xx-xx). Place name: Publisher.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Title of Periodical, x(x), pp-pp.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Title of Periodical, x(x), pp-pp. Retrieved from
Include the same elements as for a book, but exclude the publication information and add
a retrieval statement in its place: (1) Author (2) Date (3) Title (4) Retrieval statement.
Include a retrieval date if the source material is likely to change over time (Publication
Manual, p. 192).
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the webpage. Retrieved from http://...
Invert the author(s) name(s), and use initial(s) of first name(s). Use the ampersand (&)
between the last two authors' names (also note the full stop and comma after each
author's name).
Titles of formally published materials (e.g. Books, Journals, DVDs) are italicised, with the
first letter of the first word of the main title and the subtitle in capital letters. Proper nouns
also begin with a capital letter.Exception: Journal titles (including magazines and newspapers) are italicised and all key
words in the journal title begin with a capital letter.
Give the location (city) of the publisher - give the first city listed only.Exception: Place of publication is not required for journal, magazine or newspaper articles.
Use the first publisher listed if multiple publishers are given. Exception: Publishers are not required for journal, magazine or newspaper articles.
Refleksi Diri
Melalui bab ini, saya mendapat input bahawa setiap bahan mempunyai cara yang berbeza untuk menulis cara rujukannya, terutamanya cara rujukan APA (American Phychological Association). Saya sebagai seorang pelatih guru baru di IPG ini merasakan bahawa dengan adanya bab ini, ia sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu saya. Namun begitu, saya masih mengakui bahawa masih terdapat kelemahan dalam cara saya menulis rujukan kerana mungkin ia adalah sesuatu yang baru bagi saya. Namun begitu, saya berharap cara penulisan saya dapat ditingkatkan agar kualiti tugasan saya adalah terbaik. |